First acquaintance with player module

Take player module on address It is file KLIPXXXX.EXE (XXXX - version code).
Default installation folder is "C:\KLIP". A path can be changed. If the folder does not exist, it will be created. If in stated place already is the game, the player module will be update. All settings and data of the games will be saved.
If you changed installation folder, update may be uncomfortable for you. In this case it is necessary to copy installation archive to the game folder. Now to refresh the version it is possible without complete path. If the space put instead of path, the game will be update to the current folder.
Installation is extraction few files and folders from archives. Installation does not do any other acts. It does not make relations to path and does not change any files or parameters. [Up]

Before of first launching check up that you have the FoxPro libraries (files FOXD2600.ESO and FOXD2600.ESL for DOS or FOXW2600.ESL and FOXPRO.INT for WINDOWS). They must be in game folder. If you using these files for other program, its can locate in any folder and path to them must be showed in system variable PATH (usually it write in file AUTOEXEC.BAT). The libraries of files don’t change. They are taken from standard version FoxPro 2.6. You will not conflict a license while copying its. If you do not have these libraries, they can be taken at
Run KLIP.EXE. If the libraries FoxPro are not found, report "Cannot locate the desired version of FoxPro" or "Cannot locate FoxPro support library" will appear. Copy the libraries to the game folder.
If there are no official files and/or folder, they will be created in time of first start. Setting of directories: HISTORY for copies of general and personal reports; IN - for incoming mail; OUT - for outgoing mail.
System information is put in time of second start. A version for WINDOWS asks about font. I recommend using fixed width fonts, for example, Courier New. It is in standard WINDOWS. Default font size is 10. If a dialogue window is possible to read, do not change a font and size. You will be able to change its later.
You will be asked, how you want join to the game?
1) To connect to last started game (default).
2) To play in new party. Your claim will be laid until the accumulation of some amount of wishful. If them will be more 15 persons, then will be declared a new game.
3) You can connect to game with number. [Up]

FILLING OF PLAYER QUESTIONNAIRE must not be followed with difficulties. You can change any questionnaire information at any point making use of menu. No pay after this will be taken.
I will explain only slightly.
YOUR ADDRESS E-MAIL is the most important part of questionnaire. If you make mistake, you will not get the answer. Server takes address for answer nominally from questionnaire, and not from the field FROM.
ALIAS (call-sign) is used for brief electronic address. His length must be short. If a few players use one E-mail, but then they carry the letters on different computers, it is necessary to show different alias. If a few players use one computer, it necessary to show identical alias.
WHAT TO PUBLISH influences on information publication about you in ratings. No personal information (except of ratings) does not publish on no conditions. Do not abuse with secrecy. If you would inhibit to publish your name and your companies name, to you will be difficult to find the information about yourself in rating.
PASSWORD TEXT is filled default by random number. A Password transmits with letter on server. A password can be changed. But take into account, after replacement you must obligatorily get server’s letter and process it. If you don’t get answer and send a new letter to server, a server can break off processing of your letters. But you will get trade reports. If this happened, write a separate letter to author for hand correction. Except password each player has ID. It is generated automatically and does not change by player. [Up]

FOUNDING OF NEW COMPANIES. Selection of amount, profile and companies name can be difficult. You can let offered variant (it is chosen in random way). You can look on and analyze what other players produce. In any case, you can always transform your company, but per additional pay. You can always change the company’s name free of payment. General start-up capital doesn’t depend on amount of founded companies. You will begin by owner of 6 production parties always. Difference is only in that, on how much parts to split up start-up capital. If founding 3 companies, then each of them get only 2 production parties. If founding 1 a company, then she will get 6 production parties. [Up]

SETTING GAME PARAMETERS can be actually difficult. Peculiarly difficult, if you badly understand words "FILE", "FOLDER", "PATH". You must define, how postal information will become accessible to program and how to send your turnfile. If you are not sure in your own possibilities, invite somebody whom these words will not scare. [Up]

FILE OF INCOMING MAIL. In case of first program runing, you can leave at this field default path such as "IN\*.*" and not to read this part, and to go on at once to part "FILE OF OUTGOING MAIL".
You will get a 2 or more letters from server. First is identical for everybody. The generally tenders results and statistic data will be in it. Except of this, there will be the letters with data of concrete player. A command "Load mail" processes all of letters together at the same time.
There are two paths how to provide access to findings.

1) IT WORKS ALWAYS, IT IS LIGHTLY TO TUNE, BUT IT NEEDS SPECIAL COMMANDS FOR PRESERVATION OF LETTERS IN NECESSARY PLACE. In some folder (for example, IN) the letters will be dislocated as separated files. The old files can be deleted. Very important, the general and personal letters not to rub out a each other. In a field "File of incoming mail" it is necessary to show a path. For example, if you will use a folder IN, then sufficiently to show IN\*.* This method supposes creation of a few files. It needs to set a flag "To search incoming mail in all files in folder" OBLIGATORILY. To this case the names and files extensions are not important. If instead of template "*.*" will be showed a file name or another template, all files in the folder will be looked over.
Files with letters can be created in several methods. Choose most understandable method for you:
- This is the most universal method. Save all incoming letters as text files. Usually, the postal systems allow to do a command "Save as...". Do not forget to show a file type as a text. Usually, other types also can be processed. But the problems can be. For example, it is with type HTML.
- Sometimes postal systems have support "Drag-and-Drop". You can bring along letter headline and dislocate it in necessary folder on disc (do not confuse with folder in a postal system). Created files can have not a text type. Its can contain supplementary official information. Its can have specific extensions. But a player module must correctly process its.
- If your postal program works under WINDOWS (version of players module is not important), text of letters can be copied by standard means. Open a letter, select all text and copy it (Ctrl+C). Then open the game folder. Open a file for recording letters by editor NOTEBOOK. If there is no file, simply open an editor NOTEBOOK and then save a file in the game folder. Name of file may be any. It is recommended to use extension TXT. Delete away all old data. Paste new letter (Crtl+V). Now you can return to postal program. Copy the rest of letters. They can be copied one after another in one file.

2) IT WORKS NOT FOR ALL POSTAL SYSTEMS, MORE DIFFICULT TO DISPOSE IT, BUT IT DOES NOT NEED SPECIAL COMMAND EVERYDAY. Information can be read immediately from storage of your postal program. But it can be do, if a postal program keeps the letters without coding in own formats. Unfortunately, MS Outlook keeps the letters in coded condition. Some postal programs (for example, Outlook Express for WINDOWS 3.XX) saving separate letter in separate file, and separate folder in postal program has its folder on disc. Other programs put letter in one file. For example, Outlook Express for WINDOWS'95/98. It folders for letters are the separated files in which all of letters lie. For Outlook Express 4 this is file "\WINDOWS\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook Express\Mail\Entering.mbx". For Outlook Express 5 this is file "\WINDOWS\Application Data\Identities\{AA6DE160-0E99-11D4-86AC-F7FD1D5DF32D}\Microsoft\Outlook Express\Entering.dbx". A path can be supplied while using WINDOWS NT, for example: "\WINNT\Profiles\UserName\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook Express\Mail\Entering.mbx". A path and name can be another on your computer. Try to find files with the "mbx" or "dbx" extension. If you have other mail program, to search it is necessary in a folder, where this program is installed.
FoxPro 2.6 does not work with long names. A name will have appearance "C:\WINDOWS\APPLIC~1\IDENTI~1\{AA6DE~1\MICROS~1\OUTLOO~1\ENTERING.DBX". Path and file name with mail is necessary to show in field "File of incoming mail". If a postal program for each separate letter creates a separate file, is necessary mark on "To search incoming mail in all files in folder". If all letters are kept in one file, is necessary mark off "To search incoming mail in all files in folder". This will may a view of only one file. Herewith supposes, that a file has a "store" type: the new letters are writing in end of file (not to confuse with headlines sorting). A view of such file begins from place, where was finished a previous view.
You can use message sorter. It can put the letter at once in separate folder of postal system: it will group all game letters. In this case you must yourself find the filename, where the letters are storage.
If all aforesaid is too incomprehensible, let path be "IN\*.*". You will be able to experiment after receipt answer from server. [Up]

PREFIX FOR LINE WITH DATA is point as default. In turnfile each data line begins with point. But some postal systems change such lines. For example, one player has a line that began with two points. He has to input as prefix two points. This parameter affects only on LOAD of mail and it does not influence for prepare turnfile! [Up]

TO SAVE RESULTS OF THE APPLICATIONS AS TXT-FILES. If a flag is established, then the reports of applications execution will be saved in folder HISTORY\NNNN after every mail load. NNNN – is a player number. You can look decoding of NNNN-numbers in file HISTORY\order. Filename with reports will be as a date in formats YYYYMMDD. File extension will be as a company number. Except of this, the results of applications execution will be always saved in base. Its can be looked over separately. [Up]

FILE OF OUTGOING MAIL (turnfile from you to server) default is "OUT\MAIL_OUT.EML". A path depends on that, where it is easy for you to find the file for dispatch. Extension depends from your postal program. Usually postal programs can not read "stranger" files. But many systems (in that number Outlook Express) can open the files-letters by EXPLORER (File Manager). In this case correct extension is very important. Outlook Express needs extension ".EML". Some players write a path "\WINDOWS\DESKTOP\MAIL_OUT.EML". It allows saving a letter directly to WINDOWS desktop. Remains to find it, to click, and to send.
If your postal program opens turnfile with mistakes or not opens it, may be you have to EDIT TEMPLATE OF OUTGOING MAIL. Usually the sign "unsent" calls problems. For Outlook Express it is the line "X-Unsent: 1". A second potential source of problems is direction for text (not HTML) type of report: "Content-Type: text/plain". Work with other types is not guaranteed. You can do a template yourself. Create a new report to address Set format for message as "Text" or something analogous. Write one line: ".DATA KLIP." (without inverted commas, but with points at first lines and at the end). Write in field Subject: "game_data". Save on disk this letter as file in mail format (NOT TEXT and NOT HTML). If some difficulties with type arose in the process of saving (the system does not put "own" extension or it does not allow to save file in inlaying format), try to save a letter as rough copy (draft). Find a headline of this letter and "drag" it from window of postal program to desktop (other folder on disk). If a created file can be opened by your mail system, you can congratulate yourself with one more successful day. If in created file extension differs from "EML", obligatorily change extension in the field of settings "FILE OF OUTGOING MAIL". Created file copies in the game folder and renames it as TEMPLATE.TXT.
If you does not work well to tune a template, edit it and delete all lines except ".DATA KLIP.". In field "File of outgoing mail" change extension as "TXT". For example, "OUT\MAIL_OUT.TXT". Now KLIP will create turnfile as usual text file. Create a new message to address and attach the file MAIL_OUT.TXT. To write in field Subject: "game_data". If you will press "Reply" for letter from server, field Subject will be have word "game_data". VERY IMPORTANT: in postal program is inhibited to set a type of encoding of added files as UUEncode. If you don’t know how to switch it, copy a text from file in new message. If you have WINDOWS, you can open the text file and copy it to new letter by commands "Ctrl+C", "Ctrl+V".

Users of postal program "TheBat!" will meet these difficulties. In this program is very complicated reading the external files. It is possible to use menu: Tools\Import_messages\Import_*.MSG_messages.
Adash Litvin from Minsk offered: I edited a template that performs by command "Reply" for registration record of correspondence with I deleted all from this template. Then I inserted a macros "Put text file" and showed the path to file \KLIP\OUT\MAIL_OUT.TXT. In KLIP settings field "FILE OF OUTGOING MAIL" I changed extension of file (.TXT) and usage "Edit template of outgoing mail" I deleted all lines except ".DATA KLIP.". Now I'm "Prepare turnfile" and go out from program KLIP. Then I click TheBat, establish a cursor on the name of any letter from server and press "Reply". A new letter is created. It at once contains the lines from MAIL_OUT.TXT. Ready! It can be sent! [Up]

NECESSARY LANGUAGE FOR MESSAGES. You can choose language for general coming message. Pay attention, this parameter influence only on general message coming to you. Language of personal message (about sale, warnings and etc.) depends from version of player module. [Up]

TYPE OF DEMAND/SUPPLY REPORT. I recommend setting a demand/supply report type as "Memory result". This type allows seeing at once the price of equilibrium between demand and supply. A type "For price only" allows seeing at once the applications volumes on definite prices. More details about this are written in the part "VOLUME OF DEMAND (report)". [Up]

A BUTTON "RESTORE DEFAULT SETTING" does not influence on template of outgoing mail, date type, and font. For restoring initial template it necessary to delete the file TEMPLATE.TXT, and then to enter settings part.

A setting is finished. You can always return to this by menu FILE-SETTINGS.

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