Timetable and processing order of the game information (time is very approximate)

 MST  | GMT  | EAT   Duration
06:00a|03:00a|10:00p  00:40 - reception of the decisions from the players
                              (loading of mail);
06:40a|03:40a|10:40p  01:00 - processing of players decisions;
07:40a|04:40a|11:40p  00:20 - dispatch of results.
The processing occurs every working days (on Saturday, Sunday and on holidays we have a rest).
If at once some variants of the decisions will be received for the same company then it'll be processed last only (according of system hours of the sender) and others will be IGNORED!
IT IS IMPORTANT to take into account, if your variant will receipted after the moment of the mail loading from server, your variant will be processed on the NEXT DAY only! For example: the loading of mail was held at 6:10 and your letter had come on server at 6:12. Whether you had sent it at 6:11, whether it wandered during long time. It was not so important. The processing passes without your variant. In any case, you will receive the results. Always it is possible to generate and to transmit new variant of the decision. Automatically it cancels the sent on the eve variant. If not to do it, the decision received at 6:12 will be processed at the next morning. But it is necessary to take into account: at first, the situation in the markets can be changed; secondly, it can appear that your assignment cannot be executed already. For example: your goods were exhibited in the exchange and are not sold. You give a team to remove it from tenders and to direct it to production. But because of delay of your instructions, the goods are not removed from tenders and were purchased on the next day. Now the fulfillment of your instructions (to remove from tenders and to direct to production) is probably only in those volumes, which have remained not sold out (if at all something is remained).
Complains concerning delays in mailing (including technical) are not consider by the author, and the situations are not getting changed! For guaranteed processing of your variant send in advance so that it is in the author's mailbox by the time mentioned above. Usually, the mail reaches for 1 minute. But some cases were noticed, when the interval between dispatch and reception was prolonging about 3 hours.
Sometimes author reserves the right to oversleep the time of a beginning of information processing: you see it is only 5:00a.m. in Ukraine

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